Directed By Hopi Allard
Cinematography by Jeremy Valender
Heavyweight boxers can punch with up to a thousand pounds of force. Over the course of a fight they might expect to be hit hundreds of times. Brain-damage is not so much a risk as a certainty for many young athletes. But in a society that often fails to support the most vulnerable, for many it is their only option.
Director - Hopi Allard
Production Company - Pundersons Gardens
Executive Producer - Thomas Viney
DOP - Jeremy Valender
Editors - Carolina Aguirre & Jasper Verhorevoort
Sound Editor - Morgan Williams
Sound Mix - Daniel Jaramillo @ Sound Node
Original Music Composers -Joel Wells & Abby Wade @WW Composition
Colourist - Faith Millin
Gaffer - Grzegorz Krzeszowiec
Titles - Burgess & Beech
Post sipervisor - Erin Sayder
1st AC - Amelia Hazlerigg